www.sasek.tv - English
Gesamttreffen März 2022 - Unlimitierte Kraft Unlimited Power - Part 1 of a sermon

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Panorama-Film - The Overcoming of the Chaos Management

Panorama Film - The Overcoming of the Chaos Management
Ivo Sasek
Friendsmeeting - Feeling between Christian and Muslim

Feeling between Christian und Muslim
Ivo Sasek with Abdurahman Kayser
Friendsmeeting - Prayer of the Mothers

Prayer of the Mothers
A Co-Production
of Family Sasek with
Israeli Yael Deckelbaum &
Palestinian Miriam Toukan
Friendsmeeting - Sermon Part 3

Sermon Part 3: Who or what is Christ?
Feeling International Friendship 2017
Message by Ivo Sasek
Friendsmeeting - Sermon Part 2

Sermon Part 2: Jesus, the son of man
Feeling International Friendship 2017
Message by Ivo Sasek
Friendsmeeting - Sermon Part 1

Sermon Part 1: "The language of the origin and for perfection"
Feeling International Friendship 2017
Message by Ivo Sasek
Friendsmeeting - Feeling between USA & Russia | Overture of Nations

→ Feeling between USA & Russia Song
→ Song: "Overture of Nations"
Panorama-Film Orchestra and Nation dancers
Movies - Movie: "In the Beginning Was the Heart"

12 selected pairs of 12 world religions are abducted to an island of death. There they are intended to become evidence that religion and terrorism are one and the same. The world view of the kidnappers demands an alternativeless elimination of every religion because it is said to be the cause of all evil and war. Will the selected victims savage and cannibalize one another or will this sinister plan fail?
Friendsmeeting — Trailer

Trailer: "Boundless Love"
more than 40 cultures celebrate peace (13 min. trailer)
Friendsmeeting — the Philippines, Belgium, Albania & Hungary

Love greetings: the Philippines, Belgium, Albania & Hungary
→ Philippine pot dance
→ "Unity comes from the heart"
→ Hungarian Pustza dance
Friendsmeeting — Switzerland

Love greeting: Switzerland
"National anthem & yodel" with wind orchestra and Vonmoos band
Friendsmeeting — Palestine, Israel, Jews, Vietnam, China

Love greetings: Palestine, Israel, Jews, Vietnam, China
→ Reconciliations
→ Video message: Dr. Judith Reisman (Jews)
Friendsmeeting — Afghanistan, Iran & Syria

Love greetings: Afghanistan, Iran &
→ His Excellency former Ambassador Dr. Alireza Salari
Friendsmeeting — USA

Love greeting: USA
→ video message
→ Country & American Song
Bethany Joy Isaak & Co.
Friendsmeeting — Spain & Costa Rica, Brazil, Poland, Sweden, Iceland

Love greetings: Spain & Costa Rica, Brazil, Poland, Sweden, Iceland
→ "Don Quijote" and his Flamenco dancers
→ "Krummi Svaf i Klettagja" (Icelandic folk song)
Friendsmeeting — Austria

Love greeting: Austria
"Schuhplattler" & "Blue Danube waltz"
with Panorama Film Orchestra
Friendsmeeting - Hold me (with Foreword by Ivo Sasek)

Song: "Hold me"
The Sasek family & Bühler band
Friendsmeeting — Romania

Love greeting: Romania
→ "Hora unirii" Romanian unification folk dance
→ "Braul Pradurenesc"
Friendsmeeting — Africa, Kurdistan, Turkey

Love greetings: Africa, Kurdistan, Turkey
→"Tolingi Bino" with small acrobats
→ Göksin & Nagihan Kayis (Turkey)
Friendsmeeting — Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia

Love greetings: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia
→ Latvian folk dance
→ "Baltia Song"
Friendsmeeting — Thailand, Luxemburg, Moldavia, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovenia

Love greetings: Thailand, Luxemburg, Moldavia, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovenia
Friendsmeeting — God all in all

Title: God all in all
Artist: Family Sasek with Panorama-Film Orchestra and Buehler Band
Documentaries - Originators of Early Sexualization – Movie

According to the new international school curricula the sexual education and therefore the early sexualization shall become a compulsory subject for all children. Who wants something like that and where do such trends come from? It is the purpose of this film, to bring to light who the forefathers of this development are – because all of us know definitely too little about it.
Elaion publishing - Book "The Roaring Sea"

“I am the Lord, and there is no other. The One forming light and creating darkness, causing well-being and creating calamity; I am the Lord who does all these things.” (Is. 45:6b-7) Causes – effects and ways of escape out of the tribulations of this age.
Elaion publishing Book "Rest On Every Side"

Rest on every side talks about a common life, which stands successfully above all problems and has them under a common control. We have been experiencing as a large family for years that this is possible in the practical everyday life. Rest on every side over everyone, who don’t just hear this word, but who also put it into practice!
Elaion publishing Book "Abraham’s Faith"

The faith of Abraham reminds us of the big secret that acceptance of all situations in life in trusting in God, always brings more power of change within itself, than a rejection in strong faith or in manipulation. Scripture will have achieved its goal with us, when it is no longer we who make history with God, but rather when God makes history with us again.
Counterstatement - Documentary

Documentary about Ivo Sasek and the development history of his works.
Visitors Day 2009 - Visitors day 2009 – Sermon

The message of the visitor day from 28th November 2009 of Ivo Sasek, "Revolution of Discernment” – The red-hot measuring criterion in the hand of a maturely thinking people heralds the beginning of the age of discernment.
Elaion publishing - Book "The Kingdom of God in the Midst of Cooking and Laundry"

“Sermons and teaching is not my calling – thank God; I could never do that!”, I thought to myself. But I could back out from that so easily… Because there is a sermon with the everyday walk, an illustration of the word of God that one has heard in the practice. “Yes, there my heart is beating, that is my assignment!”
The Mystery of God- The Mystery of God - educational movie in English

The movie deals with the biggest of all mysteries – revealed to mankind by God, but before hidden for millenniums. It conveys about 100 different spiritual realities. It is worth it to listen attentively. With more than 500 performers from 6 countries.
Lemuel Lemuel – Musical

Three angels from the orient discover twelve new stars in a starlit night, a new sun and a new moon. They identify in this appearance the coming of something more than just a king and savior – a complete dynasty, an entire people of salvation! The search for this people leads them over the mountain of God guarded by a fiery red dragon to the seven thunders up to Lemuel…
Hell in Heaven Hell in Heaven – Movie

The adventure of an inseparable love: having escaped from the hell of her severe Christian fundamentalistic parental home Lu teams up with Phil, a tough atheistic revolutionary.
Single Seminar 10/17/2009 - Single Seminar, 17th October 2009 – The Absolute Single

Single workshop from the 17th of October 2009. Message of Ivo Sasek “The Absolute Single”. For everyone, who has lost his real calling in the organism or who is just (re-) discovering it!
Oratories - Steadfast as Child – The Sasek Children

The songs of the Sasek family concerning the topic “Steadfast as Family, Steadfast as Child” amidst a time of growing family disintegration, of terror and teenage crime there are hale and hearty families, who resist the disintegration firm as a rock. What is their secret?
Oratories - Questions and Answers – the Sasek Family

The oratory “Questions & Answers” of the Sasek family – questions of life that are central and brought up in everyday life are answered out of the practice by the way of vocalized and played dialogues.
Oratories - Educate with a Vision – the Sasek family

The oratory “Educate with a Vision” of the Sasek family. “Train the children in the science of the knowledge of God and His perception, instead of making them rebellious by raising them in a legalistic way.”
Oratories - The Kingdom of Peace – the Sasek family

The oratory “Kingdom of Peace” of the Sasek family. “Peace is not the final result of debates, contracts or battles – peace is the highest leading authority, it is infallible, an almighty authority; peace is a living Person.”
Oratories - Completeness – the Sasek family

The oratory “Perfection“ of the Sasek family – “Only God is perfect, whose body we are.” Only God can be perfect. – He, who has said: “I will live in you and will walk through you!”
Elaion publishing "Israel - Shadow or Reality?"

“For you (Jews and Gentiles) have not come to a mountain that may be touched. ... But you have passed over (literally) to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem ...” (Heb. 12:18,22) This book thoroughly examines, in theological depth, the meaning of this scripture passage in its practical consequence. It establishes an order in the relationships between Israel, the Church, and God’s kingdom. Result: Neither Israel fanaticism nor replacement theology (the doctrine
Elaion publishing - Book "The Knowledge of God"

To know God does not mean to accumulate knowledge about God, but to touch Him, to become more and more one with Him in your being. This writing shows us from three perspectives, how and under what conditions we can become one with God. The reader may find brand new aspects in the interpretation of the Tabernacle.
Elaion publishing - Book “Teach me, Lord!”

A fundamental teaching aid with simple, understandable and practical teachings for the Christian walk in everyday life. It may be viewed as a continuation to the book “Professing Faith or Living by Faith?” and may be especially useful to those Christians, who are longing for a more consistent and steadfast Christian life. (213 pgs.)
Elaion publishing - Book "Lord of Transformation" (as of 2012)

A true-to-life autobiography of Ivo Sasek, which proves that things being way too difficult for people, are just simple for the Lord of transformation. A suspenseful book with a strong evangelistic character. Now with update of 2012: You are in the unique position to experience the continuation. See how it has continued with Ivo Sasek, his family and the international family relief. Quite current, up to December 2012…
Oratories - Organism Our Destiny – the Sasek family

All presentations and songs from the oratory “Organism Our Destiny” of the Sasek family – we lived a pure lie – because “I and you” have never existed at any time! If we wouldn’t be all organically grown together with each other, many things would be as easy as we would like them to be…